Créatrice d'Objets d'Arts Graphiques & Textiles


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I’m Haruna, a Japan­ese born pho­tog­ra­ph­er cur­rent­ly resid­ing in Lelystad, The Nether­lands. My pas­sion for pho­tog­ra­phy has been around since I was a teenag­er when my grand­fa­ther gave me a film cam­era. Below are my favorite shots, recent work and sto­ries.







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[head­ing element=“h2” text_transform=“uppercase” text_align=“center” extra_classes=“text-ls‑1”]Recent Work[/heading]

[portfolio_entries posts_per_page=“12” columns=“5”][/portfolio_entries]



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[head­ing element=“h2” text_transform=“uppercase” text_align=“center” extra_classes=“text-ls‑1” subtitle=“Journeys Leave Stories”]Latest Stories[/heading]

[posts posts_per_page=“3” pagination=“none” image_size=“haruna_4by3”][/posts]



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[head­ing element=“h2” text_transform=“uppercase” text_align=“center” extra_classes=“text-ls‑1” subtitle=“Recent Brands I’ve Worked with”]Our Clients[/heading]


[client name=“Olive Oil” url=”#” logo=“”]

[client name=“The Coast­er” url=”#” logo=“”]

[client name=“Shaw & Rogers” url=”#” logo=“”]

[client name=“Hans Dieter” url=”#” logo=“”]

[client name=“Goodman’s Burg­er” url=”#” logo=“”]

[client name=“Tito” url=”#” logo=“”]

[client name=“Atelier” url=”#” logo=“”]

[client name=“Adam Clark” url=”#” logo=“”]

[client name=“Marcus Hicks” url=”#” logo=“”]

[client name=“The Orange Land” url=”#” logo=“”]




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